Esperanto is the property of every person who speaks it.

(from the declaration of the first international Esperanto congress in Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1905)
Esperanto is the property of every person who speaks it.
There are many ways to participate. Esperanto doesn’t only mean learning a new language: if you like, it can also be a matter of shared activity. Here are several ideas for such activity:

Send a picture

Do you have an idea for a picture or logo? Are you a talented graphics creator? Feel free to propose pictures or images that relate to Esperanto. We will show the most attractive on our graphics pages.

Do you want to participate some other way?

Sign and forward our Avaaz petition for teachers to present a lesson about Esperanto and its language community to their students. Sign.
If you’d like to propose or participate in projects.
Visit our website:

Get into touch with active Esperanto speakers in social networks. See and many other groups listed at